Peter Frampton concert reviews and tour history
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Peter Frampton tour history
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About Peter Frampton
Peter Frampton was born 74 years ago, on Saturday, 22 April 1950.
Based on our research data, it appears, that the first Peter Frampton concert happened 53 years ago on Tue, 26 Sep 1972 in Maple Leaf Gardens - Toronto, Canada and that the last Peter Frampton concert was 5 months ago on Mon, 23 Sep 2024 in MGM Northfield Park - Center Stage - Northfield, US.
Peter Frampton is most often considered to be:You can find more information about Peter Frampton at these official social media links:You can listen to Peter Frampton on various free streaming services and other music platforms:You may also like:
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Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Canada on Tue, 26 Sep 1972
This was one of the very first concerts I went to. I was seventeen and enjoyed Ten Years After so I went to see them appearing with Peter Frampton (who had left Humble Pie and was not yet famous from his later live album) and Edgar Winter (liked his Roadwork and They Only Come Out at Night albums). No one band stole the show, they all did a good job. No big memories from it, except I was now hooked on live shows and saw many acts in the years that followed.
Music Box at the Borgata in Atlantic City, US on Fri, 24 Jun 2011
Some concert events stand out more than others in my 45+ years of attending shows. This Peter Frampton concert stands out head and shoulders above all others for me.
I was having dinner in a Borgata restaurant just prior to the show when I received a call from my older brother that our younger brother Dave was being taken off the donor list for a bone marrow transplant. His condition, as he was fighting leukemia, had worsened, and a transplant would no longer be viable. I went numb. There was to be an event the next day for volunteers to be swabbed for a possible match, as none of his siblings matched.
We proceeded to the theater. I remember sitting just several rows from center stage ( I have no idea how that happened, as I hadn’t spent an exorbitant amount on the tickets). Peter and band proceeded to bring me back to the vivid memory of first hearing Jerry Pompili’s FCA opening introduction, followed by the thick, powerful A-chord intro of ‘Something’s Happening’.
Every note that night was about Dave. During that show I had more flashbacks of my brother and best friend, but the lyrics that brought me closest to those memories was ‘Lines on my Face’, oddly enough, which is about a sad breakup of a different kind, but I always regarded this piece as Peter’s best songwriting. Hearing LomF that night was cathartic for me, and I owe Peter and the band a heartfelt THANK YOU for starting me on my journey of acceptance and healing that night.
Dave passed away 3 days later. I will carry with me and cherish forever the connection between Dave and Peter Frampton.
Shine On, Dave ❤️
Hiram Bithorn Stadium in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Sat, 22 Aug 1981
I was there Cindy Lauper opened the concert. But Peter only last a half hour then he left the stadium.
I was there during this concert and he sucked he was so high. Could not play his most famous songs due to his state of mind.
Great Concert! Peter high us HARD CORE
Soldier Field in Chicago, US on Sat, 13 Aug 1977
I was there! Everybody was rushed with adrenaline after Bob, & Frampton came out with his crazy slow crap! Frampton played half a song and got run off the stage!!!
I was there. Very hot temp but a great show.
It was the first live concert I ever went to.
Cape Cod Coliseum in South Yarmouth, US on Sun, 08 Aug 1976
What a great show...hot as hell, think i was sweating beer the whole time...
Marymoor Park in Redmond, US on Fri, 28 Aug 2015
Last nights concert at Marymoor Park in Redmond was absolutely wonderful! Peter Frampton is the best guitar player in the world! His voice is perfect and his sense of humor and personality as well as his LOVE for what he does shows through when he is on stage. Thank-you Peter Frampton, I will never forget this concert! I am spell-bound!