Armin van Buuren concert review
Sportpaleis in Merksem, Belgium
Sat, 22 Nov 2014
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- reviews: 1
- rating: 75% (1)
- photos: 0
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The concert was great :) Especially the special last hour with old classics.
Some bad points tho : the organisation of crowd movment was really ridiculous... why not let people go around the place ( the ring under the seats ) instead of having to croos the crowd to go to the toilet / entrance ??
Sound was also at more than one time in the evening, really too loud.... the quality of the music was lower by it ....
And, but thats not something we can have a effetc on , in my opinion, the crowd was too static ... often filming and standing still instead of dansing :/
But for the rest, Great :)
Thanks !