Leonard Cohen concert reviews and tour history
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Leonard Cohen tour history
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About Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen was born 90 years ago, on Friday, 21 September 1934.
Leonard Cohen passed away at age 82 on Monday, 7 November 2016.
Based on our research data, it appears, that the first Leonard Cohen concert happened 55 years ago on Wed, 26 Aug 1970 in Isle of Wight Festival 1970 - Freshwater, UK and that the last Leonard Cohen concert was 11 years ago on Fri, 11 Apr 2014 in Stoke by Nayland Hotel - Colchester, UK.
Leonard Cohen is most often considered to be:You can find more information about Leonard Cohen at these official social media links:You can listen to Leonard Cohen on various free streaming services and other music platforms:
Fans' concert reviews
De Montfort Hall in Leicester, UK on Thu, 13 May 1976
I was 19 years old. I still remember the concert sooo well. Got home VERT late because of all the encores ;)
It’s a long time ago, 45 years, but Leonard was mesmerising. I had left work early and went with my g/f Julie Roper (are you out there Julie?) He was unforgettable - a fantastic concert that I still remember
I also remember the never ending encores. There was so many he had to repeat songs and although it’s a long time ago I think Suzanne got 3 plays! I have seen him since but this stripped down version was the best by far
Went there with my girlfriend, who is now my ex-wife.
We loved it.
First time I ever came across leonard Cohen. Taken their by my girlfriend who is sadly now my late wife
An amazing evening. I recall he came back for encore after encore -8/9altogether.
Free Trade Hall in Manchester, UK on Thu, 12 Sep 1974
My first time going to see Leonard Cohen,I had his album and listened to it a lot, at the time I used to go to a lot of folk nights in local pubs! I was hooked after seeing him live. I still play his music frequently, I recently bought a print his son was selling, it has his face drawn in watercolours and the words There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” from one of his songs.Its beautiful.
Unknown venue in Saarbrücken, Germany on Sun, 02 May 1976
The venue is called "Saarlandhalle"