Jeff Lynne concert reviews and tour history
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Jeff Lynne tour history
- 2018
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2002
- 1978
- 1977
- 1976
- 1975
- 1974
About Jeff Lynne
Jeff Lynne was born 77 years ago, on Tuesday, 30 December 1947.
Based on our research data, it appears, that the first Jeff Lynne concert happened 51 years ago on Sat, 02 Nov 1974 in William Paterson University - Wayne, US and that the last Jeff Lynne concert was 6 years ago on Fri, 26 Oct 2018 in The SSE Arena - Belfast, UK.
Jeff Lynne is most often considered to be:You can find more information about Jeff Lynne at these official social media links:You can listen to Jeff Lynne on various free streaming services and other music platforms:You may also like:
Fans' concert reviews
Irving Plaza in New York, US on Fri, 20 Nov 2015
I was so lucky to score tickets for this last minute show at Irving Plaza!!! Jeff Lynne was playing with long time ELO band mate Richard Tandy and with the 12 piece band it was the full Electric Light Orchesta sound. Jeff played songs from his latest ELO album along with over a dozen ELO classic hits. Probably one of the best concerts I have ever seen and I've been to over 100 in my lifetime! Here's hoping Jeff Lynne's ELO tours USA in 2016!!!