Elliott Smith concert reviews and tour history
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- rating: 96.7% (3)
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Elliott Smith tour history
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
- 1995
- 1994
About Elliott Smith
Elliott Smith was born 55 years ago, on Wednesday, 6 August 1969.
Elliott Smith passed away at age 34 on Tuesday, 21 October 2003.
Based on our research data, it appears, that the first Elliott Smith concert happened 31 years ago on Sat, 17 Sep 1994 in Umbra Penumbra - Portland, US and that the last Elliott Smith concert was 22 years ago on Fri, 19 Sep 2003 in Redfest 2003 - Salt Lake City, US.
Elliott Smith is most often considered to be:You can find more information about Elliott Smith at these official social media links:You can listen to Elliott Smith on various free streaming services and other music platforms:
Fans' concert reviews
The Borderline in London, UK on Wed, 27 May 1998
was at this show ... shouted a request for needle in they hay and he played it.
So I literally commented the follwoing on a FB vinyl group post about the new BS reissues, after which I googled the gig and ended up here:
"I was at what I think was Elliott Smith's first UK gig at The Borderline in '98. It was just him on a chair. he seemed a bit of a mess to be honest but the place was rammed and when he played and sang he was incredible and you could hear a pin drop. Toward the end of the set he mubbled, "Should I play a new song or a Big Star song?" I shouted Big Star straight away and he sniffed and shuffled for a minute while a few other people shouted before breaking into 13."
I remeber his GF having to virtually lead him on stage. I was a big drinker at the time and was there as the guest of a friend who ran Slam City Skates, above Rough Trade. She'd also introduced me to his music. I was singing along sometimes to masisve dispproval from her!
I remained a huge fan and followed his releases closely. Saw him again at the South Bank when he released X/O,. I even reviewed Figure * for a skate magazine I contributed some bits to. When he sadly passed it was on my birthday. I'd already told my GF of the time if I ever had a son I'd call him Elliott (with the 'tt). Still remember that first gig like it was yesterday, and my son Elliott is 15 this year. x
I was fortunate enough to be at this. Just him and his guitar. Gruff Rhys was in the packed crowd, as was Ben Watt. Felt like everyone was out to see this guy. He was very good. I remember him playing a cover of Big Star's 13.