Dire Straits concert reviews and tour history
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- rank: 197
- reviews: 11
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- rating: 95.4% (18)
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Dire Straits tour history
- 1992
- 1991
- 1990
- 1989
- 1988
- 1986
- 1985
- 1983
- 1982
- 1981
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About Dire Straits
Dire Straits was a group founded 48 years ago in 1977.
They dissolved after 48 years in 1995.
Based on our research data, it appears, that the first Dire Straits concert happened 48 years ago on Sun, 31 Jul 1977 in Albany - Deptford, UK and that the last Dire Straits concert was 33 years ago on Fri, 09 Oct 1992 in Estadio de la Romareda - Zaragoza, Spain.
Dire Straits is most often considered to be:You can find more information about Dire Straits at these official social media links:You can listen to Dire Straits on various free streaming services and other music platforms:
Fans' concert reviews Read all
Stadsschouwburg in Eindhoven, Netherlands on Fri, 20 Oct 1978
Yes, I was there too!
The early Dire Straits were at their purest with their refreshing sound.
An unforgettable music performance in the intimate setting of a theatre.
Now that the Dire Straits live 1978-1992 box is out, I searched the web to see which concert I had attended in the Netherlands and that was this concert. It was one their first concerts in the Netherland and I remember it as a great concert. If you were there you may remember that someone climbed on stage at the end of the concert to thank them. That was me. It was a fresh new sound, but to my regret the sound of Dire Straits became quickly more commercial. If you listen to the new CD box and compare the performances of the 1978 BBC concert (which was almost the same as this concert) with the 1979 Rainbow concert, I think you will immediately hear what I mean.
Arènes de Béziers in Béziers, France on Sun, 03 Jul 1983
J'y étais.... J avais 19 ans....
Capitol Theatre in Aberdeen, UK on Sun, 07 Dec 1980
Promoting their ‘Making Movies’ album the band appeared in Aberdeen to the apptoval of their many northern fans. Buses were run from the outlying provinces to fill the Capitol theatre to near capacity. The new material was duly played to an appreciative if seated audience; not until their early standards were blasted out did the rush to the stage take place and several encores produced to demand by a boisterous but good natured crowd. Eventually the clamour subsided as the back-catalogue was depleted and people dispersed to catch trains, buses or lifts home. The highlight of the night had to be ‘Romeo & Juliet’ in near total darkness, with the spotlight reflecting off Knopfler’s resonator guitar into the crowd, the silent crowd hanging on every phrase and pause before the band joining in and swelling the sound.
Memorial Drive Park in Adelaide, Australia on Thu, 17 Mar 1983
Best Concert Ever for Me. Koved the Love Over Gold Album. I still have the Tshirt, wore it so thin, still my favourite at 60!
Best ever light show!! Spent my 18th birthday at this concert -best of many concerts I’ve been too!
Gröna Lund in Stockholm, Sweden on Tue, 26 May 1981
A real top concert.
The last song was a new song called Telegraph Road
Café Opera in Stockholm, Sweden on Thu, 24 Oct 1985
I was there and saw MK drink something out of a JD bottle on stage. Maybe it was JD?
Perth Entertainment Centre in Perth, Australia on Mon, 14 Apr 1986
An incredible concert with possibly the best sound quality I have ever experienced at a live venue.