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one of the best: 4
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Chris Rea tour history
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About Chris Rea
Chris Rea was born 73 years ago, on Sunday, 4 March 1951.
Based on our research data, it appears, that the first Chris Rea concert happened 42 years ago on Fri, 10 Jun 1983 in O2 Guildhall Southampton - Southampton, UK and that the last Chris Rea concert was 7 years ago on Sun, 10 Dec 2017 in Brighton Centre - Brighton, UK.
Chris Rea is most often considered to be:You can find more information about Chris Rea at these official social media links:You can listen to Chris Rea on various free streaming services and other music platforms:You may also like:
Fans' concert reviews
Porsche Arena in Stuttgart, Germany on Sun, 16 Nov 2014
Perfect. Hear Chris Rea and love his music since ... (don't know) ... ever - his first record was released in my year of birth :)
His solo with the guitar was amazing!
Festhalle Frankfurt in Frankfurt, Germany on Wed, 26 Nov 2014
Chris Rea was perfect as usual! Acoustics in Frankfurt was not as good as at Stuttgart. Sometimes the trebles were only a high-pitched sound. That was much better at Stuttgart.
Lotto Arena in Antwerp, Belgium on Sun, 23 Nov 2014
Just another fantastic concert van Chris Rea!
O2 arena in Prague, Czech Republic on Thu, 30 Oct 2014
My dream came true. I really enjoyed the concert. All the musicians were perfect and I have nothing to add. I love Chris Rea!!!