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Bob Marley concert reviews and tour history

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  • reviews: 6
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  • rating: 92% (7)

Fans' concert reviews

  • Eissporthalle Kassel in Kassel, Germany on Sat, 21 Jun 1980

  • Bob Marley fan avatar
    Bob Marley fan

    Wir waren dabei. Es war eines der letzten Konzerte vor seinem Tod. Es war sehr schön und emotional.
    Wir besuchten damals danach Jamaika,
    Um die Insel kennenzulernen wo er gebürtig herkam. Ein exelenter Musiker auch mit kanten. Ruhe in Frieden

  • Rolle College in Exmouth, UK on Fri, 25 May 1973

  • Bob Marley fan avatar
    Bob Marley fan

    i remember this one, i proposed to my now ex wife after seeing this live, she left me cuz she didnt understand why 'age is just a number'

  • Bob Marley fan avatar
    Bob Marley fan

    what’s up dog

  • The Greyhound in London, UK on Sun, 20 May 1973

  • Bob Marley fan avatar
    Bob Marley fan

    We were young students at Barnet College of FE in N London. We were thrilled and excited to venture down to Brixton, The Greyhound pub. Yes we were white and stayed on the balcony to watch and just loved every minute. For some reason a sense of respect not to go to the front/ hard to explain. What an atmosphere ! Bob Marley, the Wailers and Peter Tosh. Legends and I'm so proud to say I was there.

  • Bob Marley fan avatar
    Bob Marley fan

    A friend at college (The London College of Printing, Elephant and Castle) talked me into going with him to see this new reggae band at The Greyhound. I think he was nervous about going there on his own because at the time The Wailers only appealed to the West Indian community in London, and he was very white. We turned up there and sure enough we were just about the only white faces in the crowd. We were up on the balcony above the stage and very visible.
    The original Wailers were all there, and Marley shared the limelight and alternated lead vocals with Peter Tosh and Bunny Livingstone. The sound was fat and crisp and the audience was absolutely in the Wailers' pockets. When they began Get up, Stand up, all the audience got up, stood up and stood up for their rights. I was someone a bit nervous about venturing into Brixton, and here I was surrounded by a almost totally black audience standing up for their rights, yet I didn't feel threatened at all. They played most of Catch a Fire which they were promoting -- I particularly remember Slave Driver, Catch a Fire, Concrete Jungle, Stop that Train, Kinky Reggae and Stir it up.
    After the concert we headed, blown away by the concert, for Hammersmith to get the tube home. On the other side of the Street, Bob Marley, carrying his guitar and wearing his trademark lumberjack shirt, was walking fast in the same direction. We shouted our compliments across the street and Marley looked at us, smiled and shouted back "Thanks, mon!" before disappearing down a sidestreet.

  • 67 Club in Wolverhampton, UK on Sun, 06 May 1973

  • Bob Marley fan avatar
    Bob Marley fan

    Great show.


RatingsView all

  • one of the best: 4
  • fantastic: 2
  • great: 1
  • good: 0
  • disappointing: 0
  • bad: 0
  • should've stayed at home: 0

The biggest fans have seen concerts

Bob Marley tour history

  • 1980
  • 1979
  • 1978
  • 1977
  • 1976
  • 1975
  • 1974
  • 1973
  • 1972

About Bob Marley

Bob Marley was born 80 years ago, on Tuesday, 6 February 1945.
Bob Marley passed away at age 36 on Monday, 11 May 1981.

Based on our research data, it appears, that the first Bob Marley concert happened 53 years ago on Sat, 22 Jul 1972 in Grand Midnight Dance, Commonwealth Social Club - Croydon, UK and that the last Bob Marley concert was 45 years ago on Tue, 23 Sep 1980 in Stanley Theatre - Pittsburgh, US.

Bob Marley is most often considered to be:You can find more information about Bob Marley at these official social media links:You can listen to Bob Marley on various free streaming services and other music platforms:

Last information data update: 14 days ago
